Do you struggle to finish goals? Do you set a million goals only to end up frazzled with all the directions you want to go? Do you want to live with more intent?

After a year and a half of writing, editing, and designing, we’re ready to announce The Art of Finishing Guided Workbook + Planner. As subscribers, you are getting a first look at the finished product.

I started writing this book as my college senior project. As I began interviewing people about the topic of finishing projects, I asked each person “Do you consider yourself a finisher?” Of all the people I interviewed, only one person said yes.

I discovered that everyone wants to finish goals, but they just don’t know how. They begin each goal with the same intentions, using the same methods, only to be surprised when they get the same results: frustration and giving up.

As I talked with more people, researched, and examined all the projects I’ve finished over my lifetime, I found seven principles at the core of every finished project. These are principles that actually work

I wrote them down. After finishing the first draft, I realized that many people would benefit from a simple, step-by-step guide they could follow every time they started a goal. This became The Art of Finishing Guided Workbook.

In this workbook, I cover the seven principles needed to accomplish your goals.

Art of Finishing principles

While not every finished project uses every one of these principles, the more you use, the more you build yourself up for success.

In this book, I explain how to implement each of these principles successfully. I take readers through the entire process of creating an important goal, shaping your actions, tracking and scheduling progress, and learning to get back up after things get messy.

With this guidebook, you’re on your way to finally becoming a finisher.

To make the deal even sweeter, I designed a planner as the perfect companion to this guidebook. In the guidebook, you’ll make plans to bring your goals to fruition, and with the planner, you’ll schedule the actions to make that happen.

I’m so proud of this planner. I have been using this for months now, and I feel more focused on my goals.

Don’t get me wrong, since implementing the principles from the workbook, I have worked on goals with more intent and with an actual plan to make them happen. But, having a planner to go with it has been the perfect tool to bring those plans to action.

Check out more on Kickstarter!





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